Dry eye disease is becoming increasingly common, affecting millions of people worldwide. This chronic condition can significantly impact your life, sometimes making even the smallest of tasks seem difficult. With treatments like radiofrequency and intense pulsed light therapy from Inmode, we can help manage your dry eye symptoms and get you back to seeing clearly and comfortably.
Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye
Dry eye syndrome is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. This is caused when tear glands that moisturize the eye don't produce enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly off of the eye.
Its consequences range from minor irritation to the inability to wear contact lenses and an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections. Persistent dryness, scratchiness, burning, watering and a foreign body sensation on your eyes are common symptoms of dry eye syndrome.
Treatment for Dry Eye
Dry eye syndrome is an ongoing condition, but the symptoms of dry eye can usually be successfully managed.
Our doctors may recommend artificial tears if your eyes are not producing an adequate amount of tears. Prescription eye drops for dry eye go one step further and can help increase your tear production. Wrap around sunglasses can reduce the effects of sun, wind and dust on dry eyes. Indoors, an air cleaner can filter out dust and other particles from the air, while a humidifier adds moisture to air that's too dry because of air conditioning or heating. Punctal plugs are small devices are inserted in ducts in your lids to slow the drainage of tears away from your eyes, thereby keeping your eyes more moist.
If your dry eye is caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), our doctors may recommend warm compresses and suggest Intense pulsed light (IPL) and/or Radiofrequency (RF) to clear the blocked oil glands and restore normal function. This results in decreasing inflammation, breaking up any blockages, allowing oils to reach your tears which prevents them from evaporating off your eyes as quickly.
Forma, a Radiofrequency (RF) treatment uses energy waves to heat up tissue under the skin. When RF is applied to the eyelids, the heat melts the thick oil secretions clogging the meibomian glands and enables improved oil flow into the tears.
Using Lumecca, an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), pulses of light can reduce inflammation in and around the eyelids in the following ways:
- IPL improves the oil gland structure, function and quality of oils. This allows the tears to have more stability and longevity on the eyes.
- IPL destroys fine abnormal blood vessels, often associated with rosacea. This results in reduced redness and inflammatory molecules that can leak into our tears.
- IPL can decrease bacteria and mites that live on the lids/lashes which also irritate the eyes.
- IPL also helps stimulate collagen synthesis which can tighten the skin around the eyelids. This can improve blinking and distribute tears more efficiently, in addition to reducing lines and wrinkles.